Friday, February 28, 2014

Last night I watched an episode of Sam and Cat, It was called the “The Killer Tuna Jump.” This particular episode was a 4.5/5. The episode was set up like this, Sam and Cat have a friend named Dice who won a huge tank of Kansas razorback tuna. After this Cat’s old friend, Jade, from school comes over to work on a project, but Cat keeps her out of the house because Sam and Jade both have hostile personalities, and if they ever met they would kill each other. Against Cat’s will, Sam and Jade meet and Cat faints. When Cat wakes up she hears loud, violent, noises and rushes to see what it is. She sees Sam and Jade having a great time playing a game. After this they all go to eat, but Dice distracts them by taking them to see his tuna. Sam says she is going to jump the huge tank of killer tuna on a dirt bike to raise money. Sam and Jade leave Cat, Cat feels left out because she feels that Sam stole her friend. For revenge Cat calls one of Sam’s old friends from Seattle, Freddy. Freddy and Sam used to date. Cat tells Freddy that Sam was in a bad accident and tells him to hurry to L.A. He arrives and Cat is attracted to him. She tries to flirt with Freddy to make Sam jealous. Sam becomes very angry and wants revenge on Cat. Jade tells her Cat has an ex-boyfriend, Robbie, that Sam can use. Cat becomes so angry at Sam that she tells her to go ahead and try to jump the tuna, saying she doesn’t care what happens to her. That night Cat goes back on what she said and locks Sam in the closet. Cat is going to pose as Sam and jump the huge tank. Cat has absolutely no experience in riding motorcycles, she is a girly girl. As soon as Cat is about to jump the huge tank of killer Kansas razorback tuna, Sam shows up and saves the day. Sam had broken out of the closet to save her friend Cat. The lesson of this episode is do not get mad at your friends for the choices they make. Because you will only have a few great friends in your life and you must hold them very close to your heart.